“This Wonderful Thing Called Reading” Mini Library Visitor Form
My name is Kathryn, I am a Girl Scout Ambassador and a Senior at LRHS. I have been a Girl Scout for 13 years and am working toward earning my Gold Award. My Gold Award Project is called "This Wonderful Thing Called Reading", a reading program for 2 to 10 year olds. The goal of the program is to allow children to work beyond their personal struggles and/or dislikes to develop & enhance your child's love for reading. I also hope that children are able to find a book they love, develop better reading skills, and can be excited to read (whether that is at home or at school). 

Thank you for visiting our mini library, I hope your child enjoys the books! 
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How did you find out about the mini library? *
What is your child’s name? *
How old is your child?  *
What book(s) did your child borrow? *
Any suggestions on how to improve your experience or books you think should be added? *
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