After-Shift Form
Thank you so much for making calls us with NextGen today! We hope you had some great conversations and had a fun time on the dialer.

We want you to know how important your feedback is so we can keep improving our volunteer process. Please fill out this quick survey, share any notes you took while calling, and sign up for another shift with us! We hope to see you really soon!
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E-mail *
Your Name *
How was your overall experience making calls? *
Not that great
How helpful were the guides we provided to help you make calls? *
Not helpful at all
Very helpful
Do you have any notes/updated information to pass along to us? (If passing along voter information, please include their FULL NAME, PHONE NUMBER, and STATE)
Did you have a positive experience on a call today? For example, helped someone register to vote for the first time or brought awareness to an important election/cause? Share your most positive call experience with us!
Any overall feedback or questions for us?
Are you interested in being a Call Team Leader? *
We have GOTV M-F until the Election. When will we see you next? :) <3
3 - 5 PM ET
5 - 7 PM ET
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