Waiting List - Crafting Connections: A creative writing workshop 

Oide Creativity, in collaboration with poet and writer Colm Keegan, presents a one-day  elective workshop, open to all teachers. This workshop will take place in the Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI). 

 This workshop offers participants an opportunity to: 

 • explore the Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI) and use it as a stimulus and source of inspiration

 • engage in an active listening process as a means to discussing the relationship between teachers and students in the classroom 

 • consider the written word and Joyce's use of language

• discuss how words are mediated through multi-modal texts in the world today

 • enjoy time and space to develop their own writing.

This workshop will take place in MoLI on Saturday 5th April, 2025 -  10.30am - 4pm

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