Elementary Band Registration Form
Practices will be after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:20 - 4:05 p.m. The first practice is September 3, 2024. There is no band on October 8, 10, 24, December 10, 12, 17, 19 and whenever school is closed.
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Email *
Parent/Guardian name: *
Student name: *
Student's grade *
What instrument, if any, is your student interested in playing? *
Do you already have an instrument for your student to play? *
By clicking this box, you are agreeing to commit to Elementary Band as a year-long course. Students are expected to attend and participate for the entirety of the 2024-2025 school year, including at any performance opportunities required. The last day to withdraw from band without being charged for the entire school year is September 26, 2024. *
Payment options: *
By clicking this box, you are agreeing that any supplies, including, but not limited to, instruments, supplies, and band book (Standards of Excellence Book 1 - SPECIFIC TO YOUR INSTRUMENT by Bruce Pearson) will be provided by each student's family. Supplies may be available first come, first served, for emergencies for a cost. *
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