Hire A Micro-Economy Expert
CIFI can connect you with professional who specializes in the study and application of "tokenomics" - a crucial aspect of the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry, and it focusing on the economic and financial qualities of digital tokens.
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Email *
Company / Project Name: *
Website: *
What stage is your company currently in? *
What type of tokenomics model are you looking for? *
What is your network of preference? *
What sector of industry / trade do you wish to engage in? *
What DEFI protocol are you interested in? *
What DAPPs does your ecosystem manage? *
Do you currently have an email newsletter running? *
Are you looking to integrate your supply chain into your tokenomics? *
Describe how you ideal growth rate & demand of your product will occur: *
Target price for Token Generation Event (TGE) *
Will your project be focused on cross-chain interoperability? *
Are you willing to create a micro-economy tokenomics model that is compliant with regulatory needs? *
Are you ready to build your tokenomics plan along with CIFI's tokenomics professionals?

This will be a 10 week program, meeting once a week for 90 minutes with CIFI's Tokenomics Specialists for a price of  $30,000 USD. Financing Plans Available. 
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