Coalition Advocacy Sign-On Letter - Increase Funding for USDA 504 & 533 in FY2023
To members of Congress on the House & Senate Committees on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies:

The undersigned organizations are members and friends of the Coalition for Home Repair, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to the preservation of safe, healthy, affordable homes for all. Coalition members repair homes for low-income households. This letter outlines our recommendations for USDA appropriations, drawn from our direct experience and involvement serving rural communities.

Members of the Coalition for Home Repair have repaired more than 52,000 homes in 37 states in the last 6 years. However, the unmet need is far greater. There are roughly 6.6 million low-income homeowners who have significant repair needs, more than 1.6 million of whom live in rural areas. Many more homes could be repaired if additional federal resources are made available.

We strongly urge you to appropriate, at minimum, the White House’s proposed budget for the following programs:

At least $50 million for USDA Section 504 Single Family Housing Repair Loans

At least $45 million for USDA Section 504 Single Family Housing Repair Grants

At least $30 million for USDA Section 533 Housing Preservation Grants

(View the complete letter here:

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