Unit Test - 2 Class 8 2023 - 24
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1. It is a database object which consists of rows and columns. *
2. Scratch is a project of the Ligelong Kindegarten Group at the _____________________  *
3. A _______________ is a basic unit of data storage. *
4. The ______________ editor lets you program without being connected to internet. *
5. ______________ is/are the example of DBMS. *
6. ________________ is where find all of the blocks needed to make your script  *
7. To create a new project we use ____________ menu. *
8. Raw facts and figures are called ___________________ *
9. MS-Access is a part of _________________ package *
10. _______________ reduces the Multiple copies of same file/record. *
11. The features of DBMS is/are __________ *
12. _____________ means that the data is accurate and consistent. *
13. ____________ starts execution of the Script
14. The centre of the stage is at (x,y) coordinates ______ and ______
15. Motion block is of ______________ color
16. _____________ is used to make a program out of blocks.
17. Scratch is available in ___________________ editor *
18. A _________ block is a code block with a rounded and curved top and a bump at the bottom. *
19. You can create a new scratch project without logging in by clicking the __________ *
20. MS Access is a/an __________ software. *
21.  Shortcut key of CUT *
22.  Shortcut key of Redo *
23.  Shortcut key of Centre Align *
24.  Shortcut key of Print *
25.  Shortcut key of Save as *
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