Microsoft Access Database Intro
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Exercise 1: Look at the Design View of the Fruits Table.
Identify the two numeric fields. *
2 points
Why should the fields you identified be numeric? *
2 points
Identify one textual field. *
1 point
The field you identified is be stored as text because... *
1 point
Identify the primary key of the Fruits Table. *
1 point
Why does a table need a primary key? *
1 point
Exercise 2: Open the Users Table.
Identify the data type of the field ID *
1 point
Identify the data type of the field OptionMusic *
1 point
Identify the data type of the field Username *
1 point
Which two fields could act as a primary key? *
2 points
Exercise 3:  Open the ScoreBoardWeeks25Mar2024 Query.
What is a database query? *
1 point
On which table are we running the query? *
1 point
What is the purpose of this query? *
2 points
Which of the following keywords is not in the SQL View? *
1 point
Switch to Design View and identify what we have to change to extract records  that are between the 1st of April 2024 and 7th April 2024. *
1 point
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Which query can we execute on our current data? *
1 point
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