Commission Application (Currently Closed)
Fill out this form if you are interested in Commissioning with me!
Once this form has been completed, I will send a PayPal invoice to your email detailing your order.

Please make sure to read the TOS before confirming your payment. Once the transaction has been fulfilled, you have fully agreed to the terms listed.

Terms of Service:

If you have any questions, feel free to DM or email me and I will be happy to assist you as soon as I am able to!
Thank you for your time and consideration! ^_^
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
Your Name: *
Your Email: *
The PayPal Bill for your Commission will be sent to the email provided here.
Your Contact: *
This can be an @Twitter, DeviantArt account, or an email you check daily. Once I received your Commission Form, I will be sending you a follow up message to confirm your order! For Twitter and DA you will receive a Note / DM.
Commission Type *
Character References: *
Please link me a URL to an image reference of the Character(s) you would like drawn/animated.
Additional Character? Add Your Characters Reference Here!
Illustration Size
Illustration Type
Background? *
Background Description:
If you answered Yes to wanting a background, please describe what you would like to see behind your Illustrated Character(s). (Example - Natural settings like trees, buildings, grassy hills / Pattern themes such as stars, polka dots, paw prints, squares.)
Character Pose / Expression:
Let me know if there is a specific expression or position you would like to see your character(s) with. (Example - Happy, Angry, Sitting, Standing, etc.)
양식 지우기
Google Forms를 통해 비밀번호를 제출하지 마세요.
이 콘텐츠는 Google이 만들거나 승인하지 않았습니다. 악용사례 신고 - 서비스 약관 - 개인정보처리방침