Rest and Reset Women's Yoga Retreat May 2024 registration form
Please add your details so that we can get to know you a bit more before the retreat
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Email *
Registrants name *
Mobile Phone *
Today's Date of application *
What is your location/suburb?  *
Emergency contact or next of kin:) Please include name, relationship and contact details for someone we can contact should you need extra support at the retreat *
How did you find out about this retreat? *
What is your main intention for this retreat? *
Do you have any physical or mental health issues we need to be aware of? Please include how we can best support you in the yoga sessions and during other times during this retreat? *
The retreat is fully catered. Do you have any allergies or specific dietary requirements? *
What is your level of experience with Yoga? *
We have two options for accomodation at Tivoli Retreat: - Twin share in the main house or 
- on your own single in main house or the cottage. 

All main house rooms are very spacious with separate single or double beds and have private ensuite bathrooms with shower and toilet.

The cottage room (1 minute walk right next to the main retreat house) has a queens sized bed which can be for one person but has a shared bathroom, (Sharing with Sarita and the support person).

 What is your preference for accommodation?
Is there someone coming on the retreat that you have a preference to share a room with? *
I would like to bring my support person with me, and I would share my room with them. 
A formal or informal support person may attend at a reduced fee to cover expenses including catering and facilities. They qualify for this option if they are there to support you and your journey.
Please provide details here and we will contact you to confirm.
Will you require transport from the Tewantin/Noosa area to the retreat? This can be provided inclusive in the cost of the retreat. Further distances can be arranged and may incur an additional transport fee. *
In addition to yoga, self care and meditation practices, we may offer the following activities. Please check any that are of interest to you for this retreat. *
There are some wonderful experienced, female bodyworkers we can ask to join us for massage or bodywork sessions at the retreat. The massages are available between sessions on site in private treatment rooms. Please indicate if you are interested in booking one of these sessions? 
The cost is included in the overall fee.
Are you interested in learning more about any of the following educational, self-development practices during the retreat? Please tick any and all that interest you. *
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, to help make this retreat the best experience for you? *
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