Wallenberg Counselor Meeting Request
Wallenberg students and families:

Counselors will be available for meetings by request from 8:30am to 3:30pm Monday-Friday. 
We can discuss  academic support, credit recovery, college applications, 4 year plans, access to resources, if you need someone to talk to, etc.

Please indicate how you would like to meet (In-person, Zoom, or phone conference), and share some dates/times that work best for you. As we receive your requests your counselor will send information with your schedule appointment - make sure to check your email for meeting confirmation and details.

Remember that your Wallenberg community is here to support you!

- Mr. Moore, & Ms. Baillie

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Email *
Student or Parent/Guardian? *
Last Name, First Name *
I would like to meet with: *
Reason for a meeting: *
Additional notes for meeting:
Meeting Scheduling
Counselors are available to meet Monday-Friday from 8am to 3:30pm. Please email the counselor directly if you need to request a time outside of these hours.
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