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Contests Deputy quarterly report form
This form is used by the Competitions Deputy of the KMoAS in Atlantia to submit their quarterly MoAS report. This form is emailed to the following individuals: the KMoAS and to yourself (for your records). Kingdom Deputies are considered to be the equivalent of an MoAS "at-large".
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* Indicates required question
Your email
SCA Name
Your answer
Modern Name
Your answer
Membership number
Your answer
Membership expiration date
Your answer
Permission is required by Society policy to electronically publish certain information. What, if any, of your personal information do you give permission to be published on the Kingdom Regnum page or the MoAS roster page?
SCA Name
Modern Name
Mailing Address
Email Address
Has any of your contact information changed since your last report?
Clear selection
If it has changed, please provide the new information.
Your answer
What year does this report cover?
What quarter does this report cover?
1st quarter
2nd quarter
3rd quarter
4th quarter
Clear selection
Did any of the Royal Notables hold a competition to replace themselves in this quarter? If so, which ones?
Royal Bard
Royal Brewer
Royal Baker
A&S Champion
Poeta Atlantiae
Scrivener Royal
If a Royal Notable competition was held, please list the Previous Notable, the New Notable, the event at which the competition was held, and the date.
Your answer
What kingdom level A&S displays, challenges, and/or contests -- virtual and/or in-person are you aware of in this quarter?
Your answer
If kingdom level A&S displays, challenges, and/or contests were held, what were the results? Were there any displays of particular note? Any challenges that proved popular? Who were the winners, if any?
Your answer
What kingdom level A&S displays, challenges, and/or contests are you aware of for the coming quarter? Are these on the kingdom calendar?
Your answer
Have you been contacted by any local MoAS or other person regarding A&S displays, challenges, and/or contests?
Clear selection
If you have been contacted, what sort of support was requested?
Your answer
Are there any issues you would like to discuss? Any projects you are working on?
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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