Volunteer Sign Up! (7th grade - Adult)
St. Joseph "SCUBA VBS" Volunteer Sign up:
Vacation Bible School Volunteers range from students going into the 7th grade for the 2024-25 school year all the way up to adults.  We need leaders for Pre-K as well as crew leaders and station leaders for our K-6th grade children.   

July 22-26, 2024
9 AM - Noon - Daily (Volunteers arrive by 8:45 AM and usually depart around 12:15 PM)
St. Joseph Catholic Church - 1722 N. Starr Dr.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Volunteer Name *
Volunteer Cell Number/Telefono Celular *
I would like to serve in the following area (please click one box) *
Please check the appropriate box for your age or grade for the 2024-25 school year. *
T-shirt Size/Talla de Camiseta *
Registered Parishioner at St. Joseph?  Feligres de San Jose? *
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