Board Member Application
Being a Panhandle Equality board member is both an incredible experience, and also a lot of responsibility. All board positions are volunteer only opportunities (unpaid). Below is an overview of some of the requirements/expectations of a board member.
     ~ Contribute a monetary and/or in-kind donation of at least $50.00 annually.
     ~ Volunteer at least 10 hours annually with Panhandle Equality, and at least 10 hours annually with another
         community organization.
     ~ Attend at least 9 out of 12 monthly board meetings.
     ~ Attend at least 80% of scheduled working hours. Currently, working hours occur every Thursday from
         6:00pm to 7:30pm.

For more details about how the organization is run and/or a full list of requirements/expectations of board members, view our Constitution & Bylaws here: 
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Full Name: *
Contact Phone Number: *
Email Address: *
Board Positions Available
General Board Member
Maintains a professional and responsible image at all times, treating the position as a paid job. Serve on a Committee and help facilitate Committee meetings including developing agendas, recording minutes, and creating other documentation. Assists with outreach to community businesses/organizations to support Panhandle Equality. Attends and assists with a majority of community/social events.  Complete additional tasks assigned by the President and/or Vice-President.

Why are you interested in becoming more involved with Panhandle Equality? *
Why do you feel you are a good fit for the General Board Member position? *
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