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About You
Tell us a little about you!
Which is your predominant ethnic background? *
Please choose one. *
Your Age Range *
Where are you from (State and Country)? *
What is your education level? *
What is your annual income? *
What do you believe is the main cause of poverty? *
What is currently stopping you from building a more stable, fulfilling and financially secure life for yourself and your loved ones? *
What is poverty to you, and what are your current thoughts on poverty, the existence of poverty and what can be done about it (or solutions)? *
What do you think community organizations can do to better reach and serve their communities? Or what do you wish they would do more of? What do you think they can do better? *
Are you currently seeking a life coach or life coaching resources? Choose the best answer for you. *
Would you be interested in scheduling a call with us? *
If you could have one wish granted to you right now to help you go from #StruggletoStability, what would it be? *
Do you have questions you'd like to ask the First Ladies of Poverty Foundation? (For example: relation to generational wealth building, poverty alleviation, growing, starting and sustaining an online business, growing your assets and creating a personal generational wealth blueprint, our programming, etc.) *
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