Goat Yoga - Saturday, September 10 at 9:00am
***NOTE - as of 7:30am on 8/22, Goat Yoga is full. All new registrants will be on our wait list.***

The MCC is excited to host Rocky Mountain Goat Yoga for MCHD students and their family members. This event is open to all ages.

Fee & Waiver Info:
We have room for 50 people. The MCC will cover the cost for MCHD teachers and staff and half the fees for all other attendees. Therefore, the cost for those who are not MCHD teachers or staff is $12.50 per person (normally $25pp). Payment can be made via Venmo or Zelle. We will contact all registrants for payment prior to the event. 

All goat yoga participants must agree to a waiver of liability before entering the goat yoga area (waiver will be sent to the first 50 registrants following completion of this form). 

This event will include a 1 hour goat yoga lesson, guided by a certified yoga instructor. The yoga lesson will be a 45 minute beginners practice, followed by a 15-20 playtime/photo op period. Rocky Mountain Goat yoga supplies yoga mats, an instructor, 6 dwarf goats from The Urban Farm in Denver, CO.  More info on Rocky Mountain Goat Yoga here

Other Info: 
Please wear clothing that covers your entire back as goat hooves can be scratchy. Tie back long hair as the goats may try to nibble on it.

If any guest is seen hitting, pushing, head butting or any other type of inappropriate handling, they will be required to leave the goat enclosure immediately.

Remember to wash your hands after handling goats and use antibacterial soap and warm water. Farmhands will aid in sanitation controls (sanitation stations provided by Rocky Mountain Goat Yoga).

Event Address: MCHD Central Park Campus - 2211 Xanthia Way, Denver, CO 80238
Contact Emily Mertz at (303) 886-5708 or mchdpta@gmail.com for more info.

Email *
Number of people in your group *
How many in your group are MCHD students?  *
Which campus is/are your child(ren) at?  *
MCHD Staff? *
First & Last Name of all participants *
I agree to pay the cost to participate ($12.50pp). The MCC will cover the cost for MCHD teachers and staff (if you're a teacher or staff, just check 'Yes').  *
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