Sale and Swap Signup!
Thank you for bringing games for our 2nd Sale and Swap!    
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E-postadresse *
Follow the link below to get the form to check in your games!
Are you able to bring either of the following:  (Remember, if you bring a table/tent you'll get a free 4oz Firetrucker pour -  if you're unable to bring a table/tent, we'd appreciate it if you'd consider throwing us $5 at the event to help cover costs.)
If you are ABLE to provide a table, how much extra table space (in feet) will you have? *
If you are UNABLE to provide a table, how much table space (in feet) do you think you'll need? *
Anything you need us to know?
En kopi av svarene dine blir sendt til e-postadressen du oppga.
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Dette skjemaet ble opprettet på Games On Tap LLC. Rapporter uriktig bruk