Earth Friends Scholarship
Bring the Earth Friends Program to your school or community through our scholarship program. If you qualify, we will send two individuals through our Earth Friends Educator training which grants them access to the full curriculum, resources, product discounts, professional support, and community. We will also send 5 storybooks and 5 photo books to your school or education site.

Fill out the below details and we will be in touch at the at the end of March / Beginning of April. We are excited to be offering scholarships to bring environmental education to young children for the 2024-2025 school year. If you have any questions, please reach out
Email *
Name *
email *
phone number *
school address
What type of education to young children do you provide? *
How would the Earth Friends Program benefit your school or early education community? Please be as detailed as possible in two or more paragraphs. 
Are there any other barriers besides finances that makes it hard to bring desired programming to your students? 
Where did you hear about Earth Friends? *
If your school or community is awarded the scholarship, we ask for 3 things in return after the first year of the program. Can you agree to completing all three?

1) a 2-5 minute classroom testimonial video 
2) completion of an educator survey (provided by Earth Friends)
3) completion of family participation survey (provided by Earth Friends)
Use this space to share anything else you would like with us. Questions or comments, anything you like. 
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