Glens Falls Vegan Festival Vendor Feedback
Thank you so much for participating in the first ever Glens Falls Vegan Festival!

In an effort to make this festival the best that it can be in future years, we invite you to give your feedback – what did you like or not like about it? What would you have us do differently in the future? What can we do to make the process better?

We appreciate any feedback that you have to offer up. Thank you again for taking a chance on this festival and helping us make it happen! We cannot wait to see you at the next one!
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Your Business Name *
Your Name *
Your Email *
Your Address *
Are you vegan, vegetarian, etc?
How did you hear about Glens Falls Vegan Festival? *
What did you like about Glens Falls Vegan Festival? *
What did you dislike about Glens Falls Vegan Festival? How would you like to see it changed?  *
What can we do to make the signup process easier in the future? *
Would you vend at a Vegan Festival in February? *
What would you add to Glens Falls Vegan Festival? *
Anything else you'd like to share?
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