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I would like to join a Life Group
Please fill in the following information to help us to connect you with a Life Group in your area.
This information will be given to the closest Life Group leader to where you stay and they will contact you with relevant information.
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* Indicates required question
Your answer
Phone number
Your answer
WhatsApp number (only if its different to you normal call phone number)
Your answer
What are do you stay in?
Illovo Beach
Lower Illovo
Warner Beach
Doon Heights / Seadoone
Athlone Park
St Winifreds
If you selected 'other', please let us know the area you stay in
Your answer
Please let us know if you would like to connect with one of the following Life Groups
Young Adults (18-35 years old)
Senior Ladies
Men's Group
I would just like to connect with the Life Group closest to where I stay
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