Returning Flatirons Dancers for the 2024 - 2025 Upcoming Season Auditions

Hello! We cannot wait for auditions this season. If you could fill this form out prior to auditions so we can ensure a smooth audition day that would be great!

The Competition Team is for dancers looking to compete with a designated team for two group dances. As we operate this competition season, the FDA staff will initially set and choose the dance styles and assign them to their teams. The competition team will practice once a week together! 

Requirements for Competition Team:

  • Dancers must take at least one technique class throughout the week
  • Dancers will rehearse at a designated time for both group dances once a week.
  • The dancers must be registered in at least one other weekly dance class.
  • 3 Competitions
  • May only compete in one specialty dance

The Company is for dancers who are ready for the next step. It is for dancers who want to train, flourish, and be challenged with choreography and different styles in a pre-professional program. This new process allows dancers to participate in more than two group dances and compete in the styles that they are training in if they would like. 

This program will be best for the dancers who are already training these hours or are looking for more opportunities to dance. For company, the dancers must participate in all the recital dances, allowing them to continue training at a high level. 

Many kids are already doing this program, dancing in multiple specialty dances and doing two group dances as well as taking 6+ classes a week that include recital dances, and still want more; we are noticing that those who want to get pushed and want to be in a space where the expectation is that they have to be giving it their all while competing in those additional styles. 

** The minimum hours of dancing a week is six hours - please do not audition for the company unless you are prepared to commit to a minimum of six hours a week.  We will do our best to accommodate all requested group dances but final group dance castings will be left to the discretion of the director.  **

Requirements for Company:

  • The dancer must be in at least one weekly ballet class.
  • The dancer must take at least one technique class throughout the week.
  • The dancer must be registered in all the classes of their competing styles (solo style included).
  • 3 Competitions // 1  Competition & Convention // 1 Classes only Convention
  • Mandatory Classes only Convention in the fall
  • Production: The Company Only
  • Minimum of six hours a week
May compete in up to two specialty dances

The Main Differences Between the Company and Competition Team are:

  • Company will require unlimited monthly tuition, while the Comp team only requires two monthly classes
  • Company will require 2 Conventions, while Comp team will only do a convention if they attend a competition that requires it
  • Company members will be in a Production at 3 competitions, while Comp team will not have a Production
  • Company members compete in four competitions with all their group dances and specialties, while Comp team members compete in three competitions with only two assigned group dances.
  • Company members can do two specialty dances, but Comp team members are limited to one.
  • Company members can do up to five group dances in different styles, whereas Comp team members are assigned to two group dances.

The Crew: The Crew is for dancers looking to compete while still dancing with their high school poms team. In order to do crew, you must be an active dancer on a poms/highschool dance team. This team has a shortened season and allows dancers to compete with the studio without interfering with their high school team. The Crew will be assigned two group dances with assigned styles and a single-hour rehearsal.

Requirements for The Crew:

  • Dancers must be on their high school dance team.
  • Dancers will rehearse at a designated time for both group dances once a week.
  • 3 Competitions
  • May only compete in one specialty dances.

How it works: Poms dancers will learn choreography in November/December to compete in March, April, and May. This will allow them to participate in the studio while taking advantage of dance team opportunities within their school.

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Dancers Full Name
What is your dancers birthday?
How old will your dancer be on January 1, 2025?  *
What grade will your dancer be this upcoming year?
Preferred Email for Contact Throughout the Year

**This is the email we will be using to contact you throughout this season **
What program are you auditioning for?  
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