Pattern Recognition Test 1 (PRT1)
Primarily this test aims to measure Pattern recognition and the application of logic.
Do not use space in responses with multiple question marks, only commas.
Expected test discriminating ability up to 155 sd 15

(E.G: x,x,x,x)

The time limit for this test is set to 35 minutes.

Histogram of Scores
CRONBACH'S α = 0.824
1) 1, 22, 333, 4444, ?
1 point
2) 113, 225, 337, 449, ?
1 point
3) 1o1, o11, 11o, 1o1, ?
1 point
4) 11xx, 11xo, 11oo, 1xoo, ?
1 point
5) 302, 302, 312, 413, 423, ?
1 point
6) 1928, 101110, 11221, ?
1 point
7) 881293959527, 583921, 951988, 770182848416, 9876123, ?
1 point
8) xooox, xxxxo, ooooo, oxxxx, ?
1 point
9) 82736, 14x52, 96788, x32x1, ?
1 point
10) +-*/, -, 2, *+, ?
1 point
11) okkko, KO, 32, xppxxoor, POXR, ?
1 point
12) 1888, 8881, 9790, 0979, ?, ?
1 point
13) 818235, 211200R, 421924, 211103R, ?
1 point
14) 19305, 311527, 6148510, ?
1 point
15) 0011111, xxooooo, A1R,2222211, xxxxxoo, A3S1R, ?
1 point
16) 28174, ZBITR, x7x63, EJZBS, ??-1??
1 point
17) 19985, 89237, 47880, ?
1 point
18) 77777, 4949491414, 13131355, 66666, ?, ?
1 point
19) 1551, ++++, 2662, --++, 1573, *-+*, ?
1 point
20) 000011111, 238799237, 6245673299, 1111100000, 7329962456, ?
1 point
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