Team 26
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1. What would Ms. Dina mostly like to reply? *
4 分
2. Azka : Are you satisfied with the schedule made?/////////////////////////////////////////////////////Intan : …….What would Intan probably want to reply? *
4 分
3. I have toothache. What should I do? The suggestion is proper, except..... *
4 分
4. Rani : Finally, it’s break time …...................a cup of coffee?//////////////////////           /////////////////////Yudi  : That’s very nice of you *
4 分
5. Miss Dina :   Do you think that        the headmaster will be here at 7.30 tomorrow morning?/////////////////////////////////   Miss Ati  :   ........he will. He always gets here before seven. *
4 分
6. Mom : Dinda, it is 9 p.m. now. It’s time for you to go to bed.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Dinda : Alright, Mom. ……….!The best greeting to complete the conversation is ………. *
4 分
7. Jihan : Happy birthday, Raka! This is a special present for you.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Raka …………................................//////////////////Jihan : you’re welcome! *
4 分
8. *
4 分
9. *
4 分
10. Miko is a new member of Excellent English Club. He wants to introduce himself./////////////////////////////////////////Miko : Hello everyone,……………. *
4 分
11. What is the writer’s intention to write the text? *
4 分
12. *
4 分
13. What are the writer’s expectations for her friend? *
4 分
14. According to the conversation, what kind of weather is usual for March *
4 分
15. The most appropriate word to complete the dialogue is … *
4 分
16. Complete the following dialogue//////////////////////////////////////////////////////La ode: We have eaten some meatballs in the restaurant. We must …...........................for them//////////////////////////////// ///////////////Wa ode: Yes, of course *
4 分
17. The warning means…. *
4 分
18. Marta: It’s very hot here ………..................////////////////////////////////////////////////Sinta: Sure. No problem//////////////////////////////////////////////////The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is … *
4 分
19. Why don't Nancy's children like to spend their Sunday at their grandparent's house? *
4 分
20. Ari   : ……….. anyone my secret. Do you promise?/////////////////////////////////////Sany  : I do. *
4 分
21. How much does the price decrease from the first price? *
4 分
22. Lawyer: Ron, your wife wants to get a half of the property, the investment and also the children.////////////////////////////////////////////////////Roni : I don't get along with that. She claims too much,I think.///////////////////////////////////////////////////The underlined expression shows.... *
4 分
23. Eric: I've been looking for you since this morning.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////Bob: I've been busy in my office. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Eric: ........ There's something we need to discuss. *
4 分
24. Jimm: I think our city is saved from the virus, so we can go around.////////////////////////////////////////////////Jane: But I don't think so, ....... our city is not saved.We must stay at home at least in lockdown time. *
4 分
25. Wa Ode: I just bought a new gown. What do you think about it? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////La Ode: .......... /////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////Wa Ode: Thank'sThe answer to describe a compliment is..... *
4 分
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