2023 Advent Retreat Chaperone Registration

We are very excited to bring back our GOYA Advent Retreat this year on December 8-10, 2023! This is for our GOYAns in the 7th through 12th Grade. 

The retreat will be held at the Warren Willis United Methodist Camp and Conference Center. The address is 4990 Picciola Road, Fruitland Park, FL 34731. 

We will begin the retreat at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, December 8 and it will end at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy. On Sunday, December 10. All activities will be held at the Conference Center. 

Friday night we will have pizza, icebreakers and a campfire. 

Saturday, we will have Orthros and Vespers, spend all day on the high and low ropes course, some free time and rotating sessions in the evening. Please wear closed toed shoes and comfortable clothing. 

The conference center has basketball courts, outdoor fire pits and other recreation spaces that we will be able to utilize.  

The cost of the entire weekend including meals, lodging, all-day ropes course with instructors is $170 per GOYAn and $100 per chaperone. 

Sleeping accommodations are similar to St. Stephen’s Summer camp. There will be 14 beds on each side. One side for the girls and one side for the boys. Everyone needs to bring their own bedding which includes sheets, pillows, comforter and/or sleeping bag. Two adults will be staying in each of the cabins. We are required to have one advisor for every 8 GOYAns from each parish stay the weekend. 

Community Outreach: We would like every participant to bring 1 (or more) unwrapped new toy or new piece of clothing for a boy or girl in grades 7th thru 12th Grade. The Holy Trinity GOYA will help distribute them to those in need before Christmas. 

In order to register as a chaperone, please complete the following: 

1.     Online Registration Form for Chaperone

2.     Email Youth Safety Completion Certificate to frkyriakos@htgocorlando.org.

4.     Complete Online Payment (See instructions at the end)

Deadline to Register is November 20, 2023 by Noon.

We look forward to this event. Any questions, please contact Fr. Kyriakos at frkyriakos@htgocorlando.org

With love in the Lord, 

Fr. Kyriakos Hambos

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Please follow these instructions to make a payment online. 

2. Enter the amount of $100 per Chaperone.
3. Frequency should be Once, Now
4. Make a note saying 2023 Advent Retreat.
5. Continue to Make Payment
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