Hey friend, I'm excited you're here!

I've been on this health and wellness journey for 7  years now and its completely changed not only my health, but my whole life as well.

Before Plexus, I was broke, bloated and desperate for a change. I was working full time at a job I loved, but the commute was taking a toll on me and so was the income...
I didn't have the time freedom I craved, I was exchanging dollars for hours, and I didn't have time to spend with family, friends, or myself.

I was craving:
 - Freedom
- Community
- Residual Income
- More time
- A debt free life
- The ability to stay at home with my kids
- A healthier life

And I found it with this biz.

I was so skeptical of network marketing and actively made fun of the products and business. So I get it. I really do.

But I found a company that does network marketing differently. The way it should be done.

Join us! We are moms, coaches, personal trainers, nurses, students, and freedom seekers.

Fill out this application and I'll be in touch with you in ASAP
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What's your first and last name? *
What's the best phone number to reach you at? *
What's your instagram handle? *
What are the top 3 reasons you're interested in joining our team? *
Describe your why. Why are you interested in partnering with Kelsey? *
What is your monthly income goal? *
Its proven that who make fast decisions are often the most successful. Do you have $99-$199 to start your business today? *
How would you like me to get in touch with you to give you more info? *
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