May 5, 2020 Weekly Check-In
Week 6 of Online Learning!  Please answer each of the questions as completely as possible!
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Name *
Your class *
 How are you doing today? *
Anything you want to tell me about your choice above? *
What's one thing that would help you have a great rest of the week?   *
Below are 4 zones that can describe how you are feeling.  It gives you another way to check-in with yourself and take inventory on how you're feeling.   Being self-aware of your own emotions can help you interact with other people in a healthy way or ask for help depending on your need. What zone do you feel you are in today? Explain why you are feeling that way- as much as you feel comfortable sharing. *
Bild ohne Titel
Look at the suggested activities for each zone (third row).  Based on how you are feeling today, would you use any of the suggested strategies?  Explain.  Anything you would want to add to a category? *
Bild ohne Titel
What is something that your teachers have done (either myself or other teachers) during online learning that you would like to see them continue to do in the classroom when we return next school year? *
What help, if any, do you feel you might need in order to be more successful with your online learning?  Please be as specific as possible! *
Anything I should know at this point- to help you better, to understand more, etc.? Anything you are concerned about?   *
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