Disaster Band Review Key Request Form
Hello, and thank you for your interest in our games. Please be sure to fill out all required fields.

Be advised: Filling out this form does not guarantee we can send you a key, but we will evaluate your request ASAP.

Please note that we are just able to send reviewkeys to media/influencer with 2000+ followers/Unique Users. So please let us know your reach below.
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Correo *
Publication or Channel Name *
Follower/Unique User *
Where are you based? *
First Name *
Last Name *
How many people does your outlet reach monthly (for media) / How many subscriber/follower does your channel have? (for streamers/Content Creators) * *
Contact type *MediaContent Creator/Streamer *
Site or Channel URL * *
Discord ID
Twitter URL
If you are not already getting gaming news from us, would you like to? * *
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