Cosmic Circus 2022 Volunteer Submission Form
Please fill out this form to sign up to volunteer with us! If you have any additional questions, please contact us at!

Read volunteer policy at:

Because this is a two night event, there are two options for volunteers:
  • Pre/Post Volunteers: Work build, set-up, or tear down. You will need to purchase (1) ticket for the night of the show you'd like to attend, and we'll reimburse your ticket cost after the event. You'll get to attend (1) night of the event.
  • During Event Volunteers: Work your shift during the duration of the event (9 PM - 2:30 AM), and you are free to enjoy the event before or after your shift starts. (Reminder, you must be sober for your event shift). If you want to attend the event on the night you are NOT working, you will need to purchase (1) and we'll reimburse your ticket cost after the event and your volunteer shift is confirmed as complete. In this way, you'll get to attend (2) nights of the event, but only work (1)!
If financials are a concern for purchasing tickets, feel free to email our volunteer lead at  , and alternatives are available!
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Email *
Have you volunteered with us before? *
What is your legal first name? *
We need this for ID validation upon arrival.
What is your legal last name? *
We need this for ID validation upon arrival.
What name do you prefer to go by? *
What are your pronouns? *
What is your phone number? *
Do you have any special skills or experience?
What shift type would you prefer to work? *
Please select at least 3!
What day(s) would you prefer to volunteer? *
Select all that apply
What name did you use to purchase your ticket? *
All volunteers are required to purchase a ticket. If you have not yet purchased a ticket yet, please write the name that you will be using to purchase the ticket, in order to simplify the processing time for our staff.
What order number were you given when you purchased your ticket?
All volunteers are required to purchase a ticket. If you have not yet purchased a ticket yet, please note that below, in order to simplify the processing time for our staff.
Anything else you'd like to tell us?
I understand that as an event attendee I will need to follow all applicable Covid-19 policies as outlined by the event description and event ticketing policies. I have read the volunteer policy at *
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