NCDev Community Survey
Did you Know?

NCDev Ecosystem Turns 6 on April 1 and we want to get to know you better as a NCDev follower and community member so that we can curate content that caters to your needs, interests, and growth path. Tell us more about yourself
Log in bij Google om je voortgang op te slaan. Meer informatie
Name and Surname *
Email Address *
Age *
Gender *
Which province you from? *
If you chose Northern Cape, please select your District
Which town / city you from? *
What are your hobbies or interests? *
Whats your highest qualification? *
Which one best describes your professional status? *
Whats your profession? *
e.g. Computer science, engineering, robotics, multimedia, design, etc.
What do you primarily use to connect to the internet? *
What do you use as a source of information? *
Which social networks are you most active on? *
What are your biggest challenges? *
Where did you hear about us? *
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