Different Folks Birthday Market - Vendor Application
Event Timing: Sunday, May 26 12-4
Event Address: Halifax Brewery Market, Lower Water Street, Halifax
Contact us at differentfolkshfx@gmail.com or on instagram @differentfolkshfx (we are faster with insta!)
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Full Name *
Email *
Business Name *
Social Media Handle(s)
I give permission for images from my social media to be used in advertising for the market *
Different Folks  is meant to promote small businesses and side hustles run by underrepresented and/or underemployed folks. You DO NOT NEED to identify as queer to attend this market (but check out our june market if you do!) 

Items must be made or designed by you or your company.  We will not be accepting any MLM or direct sales applications. We also do not accept resale vendors (such a jewelry from temu marked up).

Give a brief description of the items you sell (portions of description may be used on social media). try to be descriptive of what makes you and your product unique (please dont just write "jewelry") *
Would you like to participate in an OPTIONAL boosted instagram giveaway leading up to the market? (can be a particular item, gift card to your stand, whatever you'd like) - absolutely no pressure to do this. it is meant purely as a marketing opportunity for interested vendors. Items will be picked up the day of the market (no drop off necessary)
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This a BRING YOUR OWN SET UP event. Standard spaces at for 6 foot set ups (ie 6 foot tables). 8 foot set ups are also available.

If you don't have a table, please put it in the notes and we can find you one!

***Please note chairs are not provided***
The venue has a limited number of chairs available if you don't have access to your own.
Payment for the table is due by the date specified in the notice of acceptance to the market. You will be notified by email once your acceptance is finalized and provided with an email to send an E-TRANSFER. If payment is not received within 5 days, your place may be forfeited unless you set up a payment plan in advance.

If this timeframe not possible for you at this time but you would be able to pay before the market date, please reach out to us on instagram @DIFFERENTFOLKSHFX or email us at differentfolkshfx@gmail.com to discuss other payment options so we can hold your spot :)
I understand that once my spot is accepted and paid for, so long as the market is running my table fee is non-refundable. In the event the market cannot run due to events beyond the organizers control (e.g. COVID  protocols, natural disaster etc.), a $15 booking fee will be held and the remainder of the payment will be refunded. 
If you are ill or unable to make the market, you will need to have coverage of someone to run your table for your business or you forfeit the spot and payment. That being said if you are able to fill your spot with an acceptable vendor (i.e. on theme and able to abide by all rules), a swap out may be possible, but is not guaranteed.

I understand that there is no electricity option at this event (there are a few plugs around, but this won't be factored into your table placement unless specified here). 
The venue is "fully accessible" but everyone has their own comfort levels. Are there any accommodations you need that we should be aware of? (e.g. need extra room to maneuver around your table, would need help with the set up of your display etc) - we have access to someone willing to help with ASL translation if needed as well.
As a vendor you MUST be set up for the duration of the market. There is an hour of dedicated set up time. Please use this to be completely set up at ready to go when the market opens. 
Please don't tear down early.  If you need to leave early, please find someone to cover your table.  Tearing down early will jeopardize your ability to attend future events.
A welcome package will be provided with social media images and info at least 2 weeks ahead of the market. Specifics about how to enter the building etc will be provided within at least 1 week of the market. *
Do you identify with any of the following groups (optional, for market planning purposes... But please at least select queer if you are queer as a fail safe for the market)
Anything we should know?
Type your full name here to confirm you agree with the above statements. Thanks so much for applying to be part of our market!
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