Call for Offices
Are you passionate about psychology and making a positive impact on campus and beyond? Joining Betapsi as an office member will allow you to do that and much more! All you have to do is fill in this form and we will be in touch.

Our Office members work alongside the members of our executive team, dedicating one to two hours a week. Calls are open for the following offices:
  • The EFPSA Vice MR works with our Member Representative Ita in the international psychology association called EFPSA. If you love meeting people from all around the world, you will definitely enjoy this role!
  • The International Office supports international students and helps our International Officer Ita in planning and executing Betapsiā€™s international student trip.
  • The External Relations Office works with Marlena, our ERO. You will help her with the creation and organisation of collaborative events with other psychological organisations.
  • The KPS Office plays an active role in KPS meetings by sharing a psychological perspective to social policy matters. This office member also forms part of the  policy paper team, which writes the social policy paper under the direction of Gabriel, our Social Policy Commissioner.
If you are interested in more than one office, you may opt to apply for more than one and we will give you more information and you can ask any questions about them in an informal meeting with our team members. If you have any questions about being a part of Betapsi, feel free to reach out to us via email on

We look forward to having you on our team! šŸ’œ
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