Sherpa Application
Please complete this form if you are ready to return to serve Wildstream Retreat participants as a “Sherpa” and participating in a continuing-ed experience. This form can also be used to update your profile information. All responses are for internal use only.
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Email *
Name (first and last) *
Birthdate *
Gender *
Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) *
Re-enter Email address *
Street Address (line 1) *
Street Address (line 2)
City *
State *
Zip *
How do you prefer to be contacted? (select all that apply) *
Where (name of organization) and when (year) did you take DivorceCare? *
Marriage Status (check one) *
Years Divorced (most recent) *
Years Married (most recent) *
Number of Marriages *
Do you have any children? If so, what ages? *
Reason for Divorce (optional, use only if you wish to share your story with Wildstream)
"Home" Area (select all areas convenient to you for participation in AWOL activities ) *
Any allergies, medical issues, food or other concerns?
Church or individual who sponsored your retreat (if you remember).
Retreat number(s) you have attended (if you remember).
Select the area(s) of ministry that interest you: *
If you have another area of responsibility you wish to serve, please let us know here.
I would like to receive SMS Text Updates from Wildstream.
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I would like to receive SMS Text Updates for AWOL events (currently serving Nashville/Greater Middle TN area).
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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This form was created inside of Wildstream Retreat. Report Abuse