課程報名表  Event Registration
Botanic Flowers - PME五星糖藝師課程
日期:18~21/4 (星期五至一)
時間:10:00 am - 6:30 pm
導師:Peggy Wong

Botanic Flowers - A Certified PME 5 Star Sugar Artist Course
Date: 18~21/4 (Fri to Mon)
Time: 10:00 am - 6:30 pm
Instructor: Peggy Wong
Fee: HK$5,200
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課程內容  Class Description
擁有美麗、色彩繽紛和型格的糖花絶對能為特別的慶典帶來驚喜﹗這個課程你會學習使用糖花膏(Gum paste)製作盛開的牡丹花、大衛奧斯汀玫瑰、向日葵、洋桔梗、洋水仙和葉子。在課堂中,也會學習正確使用矽膠壓紋模及造型工具製作出細緻的花瓣和葉子,及如何運用漸變色的上色技巧。

📌 學費已包括材料及課堂上會借用所有工具。
📌 這也是PME五星糖藝師的其中一個認證課程,若想參與PME五星糖藝師課程的學員需要另外登記註冊。首次登記註冊PME五星糖藝師課程的學員需要另外註冊費HK$3,500。 請參閱我們的網頁 (https://www.blossomcakes.com.hk/five-star-sugar-artist-ch) 了解詳細課程內容。

The beauty, colour and style that sugar flowers can bring to a special celebration can be stunning! In this course, you'll learn to create life-like Peony, David Austin Rose, Sunflower, Lisianthus, Narcissus and foliage with gum paste. You will also learn the correct use of silicone veiner and tools to create delicate petals and leaves. And how to use gradient colouring to create colour blends and add light and shade to the flower.

📌 All materials and tools are provided for you during class.​
📌 It is also a certified course and part of the PME Five Star Sugar Artist programme, subject to a separate subscription if you wish to register for the programme. A registration fee of HK$3,500 is required for students who register for the PME Five-Star Sugar Artist Programme for the first time. You can read our webpage (https://www.blossomcakes.com.hk/five-star-sugar-artist) for the details of the programme.
導師簡介  Instructor's Profile
Meet Peggy, the founder of Blossom Cakes. A professional cake designer, tutor, and author of several cookbooks, including "Desserts for the Beginners," "Bake a Gift and Gift-in-return," and "Fantastic Royal Icing Cookies." Peggy's love for baking and cake decoration stems from her childhood spent in her family's food company.

With over 20 years of teaching experience, Peggy has honed her skills in Japanese Cut Ribbon Flowers, bakery, cake decorating, and design. She received formal baking training at the prestigious Haking Wong Technical Institute of Hong Kong. Apart from being a cake designer, Peggy is also a talented floral artist who received her formal Graphic Design training from the First Institute of Art and Design of Hong Kong. She holds several Advanced Professional Instructor Certificates, including Japanese Cut Ribbon Flower, Gift Wrapping Art, Wax Flower Making, Creative Ribbon Bonsai, Chinese Knotting, and Sogetsu Ikebana of Japan. Peggy is passionate about sharing her love for floral art and cake decorating with the world.

Peggy has a wealth of experience as a judge in various international cake competitions. Notably, in 2017, she led the Hong Kong team to compete in the prestigious Cake Designers World Championship FIPGC held in Milan, Italy, where she also served as a competition judge. Peggy has earned recognition as an accredited tutor for the PME Professional Diploma Course and was awarded the Honorary Five Star Sugar Artist Medal in 2019. Additionally, she is a certified instructor for the JSA and Squires Kitchen certificate courses.

Peggy是Blossom Cakes創辦人、專業導師、蛋糕設計師,著有 “新手學甜點”、“點點心思” 和 “Fantastic糖霜曲奇”等烘焙書藉。Peggy生於烘焙世家,由外祖父起數代皆是烘焙業中堅份子,自幼深受薰陶,熱愛烘焙工藝。除跟隨餅房廚師的實戰經驗外,亦曾於香港黃克兢工業學院接受正統的烘焙訓練。


Peggy老師曾是多個大型國際蛋糕比賽的評判,她於2017年更帶領香港代表隊參與意大利米蘭的Cake Designers World Championship FIPGC比賽及該比賽的國際評判團成員。她是英國PME專業文憑課程的認證導師及於2019年獲頒發PME五星糖藝師榮譽勛章。Peggy也是日本JSA講師認證課程及英國Squires Kitchen國際學校證書課程的認可講師。
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你是否首次登記PME五星糖藝師課程?  Is it your first time register for the PME Five Star Sugar Artist Programme? *
請按下列「提交」按鍵提交您的報名表!  Please press the "SUBMIT" button below to send your registration form!

Upon receiving your registration form, we will email or WhatsApp you advising on seat availability after checking the course quota. Please deposit or transfer full payment within three working days to confirm your booking upon receipt of our reply. Thank you!
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