Welcome to The Edge Mastermind Application

Thank you for your interest in The Edge Mastermind. This isn’t just another business container—it’s a high-level space for bold, visionary entrepreneurs ready to elevate their leadership, refine their strategies, and scale to $10-15K+ months with confidence and alignment.

Why We’re Collecting This Information

This application helps us determine if The Edge Mastermind aligns with your business goals and vision. The questions are designed to uncover your journey, challenges, and aspirations to ensure a curated group experience where every member thrives and grows together.

Who This Mastermind Is For

The Edge Mastermind is for ambitious entrepreneurs who are unapologetic about stepping into their brilliance and scaling their businesses intentionally. It’s for those ready to:

  • Refine offers, pricing, and strategies to align with their unique Human Design and Gene Keys.
  • Push boundaries, embody their edge, and play big in their business.
  • Collaborate in a high-caliber, no-fluff community that celebrates bold moves and redefines success.
  • Dive deep into nuanced strategies and personalized insights to elevate their impact and income.

What This Mastermind Requires

This space is for those fully committed to six months of immersive growth. It requires:

  • A willingness to show up transparently and contribute to the group.
  • Openness to real-time feedback and strategic refinement.
  • A readiness to leverage Human Design and Gene Keys to create alignment in every area of your business.

What to Expect Next

If your application feels aligned, we’ll schedule a 15-minute call to explore next steps and answer any questions you have about the mastermind. This conversation is an opportunity to ensure this space is the perfect fit for your goals and vision.

We’re thrilled to learn more about you and the impact you’re here to create. If this resonates with where you’re headed, complete the application below. Let’s explore how The Edge Mastermind can help you scale with alignment, clarity, and confidence.

— Kehla

What is your name? *
What is your email? *
What's your IG handle? *
What's your Human Design? (i.e.: 6/2 Sacral Generator) *
Tell me about your business. What do you offer, and who do you serve? *
What is your current monthly revenue range? (Choose one) *
Do you currently have an established offer? If yes, what is it? *
What’s your next big revenue goal? *
Have you worked with clients before? If yes, how many clients have you served so far? *
What strategies or methods do you currently use to market and sell your services? *
Have you previously invested in coaching, masterminds, or business programs? What was your experience? *
What excites you most about the idea of joining The Edge Mastermind? *
What challenges or gaps do you feel are holding you back from scaling your business to $10-15K+ months? *
Are you familiar with Human Design and Gene Keys? If yes, how have you integrated them into your business? *
What aspect of your business do you feel needs the most refinement right now? (e.g., offers, pricing, messaging, client journey, visibility strategy) *
What are you hoping to achieve in the next six months with the support of this mastermind? *
If you joined, what kind of transformation would you like to experience by the end of the mastermind? *
The Edge Mastermind is a high-level container designed for bold, self-led entrepreneurs. Are you ready to contribute, collaborate, and take full responsibility for your growth? *
Are you available for a 15-minute call to discuss next steps? *
If accepted, are you ready to begin and commit to the six-month mastermind? *
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