Center for Disability Rights Summer Camp
Dear Potential Participant, Educator, or Parent: 
We are pleased to announce the 2023 Scholarship Summer Camps for High School juniors and seniors with disabilities. 

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the spots are filled. If you are interested, please do apply soon as each camp is limited in size. 

Any high school junior or senior who has a disability and is capable of participating in the Camps is eligible to attend. Students with any type of disability are encourage to apply - our camps work best when we have students with a diversity of disabilities. There are no income requirements or residency requirements. 

The Camp will take place in West Haven, CT at our Center at 369 Highland Street. This Camp runs from July 10-14, 2023. The first three days we will offer workshops on self-advocacy skills; pre-employment skills such as interviewing and knowing your rights as an employee with disabilities; personal financial management; and the fundamentals of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

All will be offered in a fun way, and lunch will be provided. Then the last two days (weather permitting) we will be at a local tourist or recreational facility where we will apply the ADA concepts and standards that we have learned as we do field assessments of the accessibility of the facility. We have a day cruise on a boat booked for this year. 

The Camps are daily from 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM, except for the field trip day when we may come back later than 4. Normally, field trips are Thursday or Friday of the week depending upon the weather. Full attendance is required to earn the scholarship award.

Also required is attendance at the CDR Awards Banquet later in the summer. The awards will be presented then.

The Scholarship award for 2023 is $750.00 which may be used for post secondary education AND/OR for expenses connected with living an independent life with a disability. Even if the participant has no plans to attend school after High School; he/she is still eligible. Participants who are West Haven residents or attend school in West Haven may also be eligible for an additional award from the Joanne Miller Depew Scholarship Fund.

Applications will be accepted up until June 23 , 2023. There is a non-refundable $50.00 registration fee.

For more information, e-mail


Marc Anthony Gallucci, 
Esq. Chief Advocate & Youth Program Coordinator 
Email Address
Phone Number of Participant or Guardian
Emergency Contact Name/Phone
Name of High School
Date of Birth
I want to apply for the West Haven Camp
I am a person with a disability (All types of disabilities are welcome!)
I require the following reasonable accommodations:
Describe accommodations if applicable from previous question
Are you receiving any special education accommodations?
Are you receiving any 504 accommodations?
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