Evaluation Audio - Ages 2 to 5 - 2022
Audio Evaluation form for ages 5 to 18.
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Title of CD or Digital Music *
Please use exact title as it appears on your memo
Your name *
Your age *
1. Appeal. Rate overall Appeal *
5  = Great; 4  = Good; 3  = Good, but...; 2  = OK; 1  = Not So Good; 0  = Terrible
a.        In general, what is most appealing or unappealing about this music? Be specific. Give examples. *
b. What is your favorite thing about it? For example, if you were telling a friend about it, how would you describe your favorite thing? *
2. Rate the overall content quality/ *
5  = Great; 4  = Good; 3  = Good, but...; 2  = OK; 1  = Not So Good; 0  = Terrible
a. How engaging are the musicians? Talk about the leader singer (if there is one), the back up musicians, and how much you liked or did not like them. *
There may be a lot of musicians here, especially if there is an orchestra involved, but talk about the ones that stand out most.
b. Tell us about the music's appropriateness for youth listeners. Is the subject matter something kids will relate to? Is the vocabulary kid-friendly? Is it engaging? Did you find yourself singing along while listening to it or did the tune stick in your mind afterwards? *
c.  Is there anything inappropriate about the lyrics? Anything that you would warn others about? If so, be specific. If not, just put in n/a for not applicable. *
If there is anything unsuitable, in terms of words or ideas, tell us not only what it is but where it can be found.
3. Rate the overall production quality. *
5  = Great; 4  = Good; 3  = Good, but...; 2  = OK; 1  = Not So Good; 0  = Terrible
a. To the best of your ability, tell us about the quality of the performances, whether vocal or instrumental, and the recording quality. How good/not good did they sound to you? *
4. Rate the overall benefits.   *
5  = Great; 4  = Good; 3  = Good, but...; 2  = OK; 1  = Not So Good; 0  = Terrible
a. Did the song lyrics teach you anything new or motivate you to learn more about something? If so, tell us. *
Maybe you learned about different music styles or perhaps something more educational, like how to care for the environment or the life of dinosaurs. Describe.
5. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about this? Something that doesn't fit the previous questions. Tell us here. (optional)
6. Final Rating: A for All-Star, Y for Yes, QY for Qualified Yes and N for No *
Please give your final rating and explain using this criteria in the following question
What ages do you recommend this for? *
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