Black Tech Effect Company Submission
At Plexus, we aspire to shift narratives of Black tech companies from a deficit lens to an empowered one where we can reimagine the current state of tech toward the tech we want. We are seeking to identify 100 companies, particularly those making a positive social impact in the world, to be included in our report for 2024. Please complete the form below if you would like to submit your company for inclusion.
Email *

Company Name

Email Address *

Company Website

Where are your headquarters? *

Year Founded


Please indicate the applicable vertical(s) for your company (Check all that apply):

Do any of your company's founders identify as Black or of African descent?

Please list the company's founder(s) name :

Does the founder(s) fall under these categories (check all that apply):
Number of employees and/or independent contractors *
What was your company's 2023 valuation ($USD):
Which funding series best describes your current financial backing? *
How much VC have you raised, if any? *
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