2024 Dale City Little League Lower Division Home Run Derby
Event Time: May 19th @ 1:00PM
Event Address: Turley Field (Jenkins) 14998 Birchdale Ave, Dale City, VA 22193
Divisions: T-ball, Machine Pitch, Minors, and Majors
Contact: gsood@dalecitylittleleague.com

Dale City Little League is excited to bring back our annual Home Run Derby!  Come on out and swing for the fences or cheer on your fellow sluggers!  

We will have concessions available as well.

General Rules:
  • Participants must be registered for the 2024 season with Dale City Little League
  • Each division will have chalk lines designating home run distances
  • T-ball/Machine Pitch participants will get 5 swings of the bat each round (Machine Pitch participants will get 8 pitches
  • Minors/Majors participants will have 1:00 (initial round, 1:30 for the 2nd and final round) (no timeouts) to hit at many homeruns as possible. There will be 3 rounds, with home run leaders from previous rounds advancing.
  • Minors/Majors participants will have designated a person pitch to them in all rounds.
  • All participants must wear their League provided jersey and a Baseball helmet that meets NOCSAE specifications.
  • All participants must use a USABat or a Wooden bat free from defects.
Event details:

1st Round
  • T-ball/Machine Pitch participants will get 5 swings of the bat (Machine Pitch participants will get 8 pitches
  • Minors/Majors participants receive 1:00 to hit as many home runs as possible.
  • Any fair ball that lands over the fence in fair territory is a home run. A ball that lands on the chalk/cone line is NOT counted as a home run
  • At the end of the 1st Round, the 10 participants with the most home runs will advance to the 2nd Round (*if event has less than 10 participants, all participants advance to 2nd round)

2nd Round
  • T-ball/Machine Pitch participants will get 5 swings of the bat (Machine Pitch participants will get 8 pitches
  • The 10 Minors/Majors participants receive 1:30 to hit as many home runs as possible.
  • Batting order will be determined by number of Home Runs hit in first round with the lowest total number hitting first.
  • Any fair ball that lands over the fence in fair territory is a home run. A ball that lands on the chalk/cone line is NOT considered a home run
  • At the end of the 2nd Round, the 5 participants with the most total home runs (combined totals from 1st and 2nd rounds) will advance to the Final Round (*if event has less than 5 participants, all participants advance to the Final Round)
Final Round
  • T-ball/Machine Pitch participants will get 5 swings of the bat (Machine Pitch participants will get 8 pitches
  • The 5 Minors/Majors participants receive 1:30 to hit as many home runs as possible.
  • Batting order will be determined by total Home Runs hit in first and second rounds with the lowest total number hitting first.
  • Any fair ball that lands over the fence in fair territory is a home run. A ball that lands on the chalk/cone line is NOT considered a home run
  • At the end of the Final Round, the participant with the most total home runs (combined totals from 1st, 2nd, and Final rounds) is the Dale City Little League's Home Run Derby Champion (one winner per division)
Should there be a tie between two participants at the end of any round that would determine advancement to the next round or the final champion, the following tie breaking procedure will be used:

In the event of a tie at the end of the first, second, or final round, there will be a swing-off between the participants who are tied that will determine which participant advance (after 1st or 2nd rounds) or wins (after final round). Each participant will receive three (3) additional swings at a time, the contestant with the most home runs after the three (3) additional swings will advance or be crowned the champion. The additional swings will repeat until the tie is broken. Tie-breaking home runs do not count towards total home runs.
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