PT365 Geography Static class-9 (16-Jan-2024)
[Prelims 1986] Atmospheric temperature increases at higher altitudes due to:
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What is the average temperature of earth's atmosphere in degree Celsius?
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Which of the following statements are correct?
1. Earth's orbit around the Sun is not circular, but elliptical.
2. In elliptical orbit, some points are closer to the Sun than others.
3. Winter occurs when Earth is farthest away from the Sun, and summer occurs when earth is closest to the Sun.
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What is a mantle plume?
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In the context of plate tectonics, which of the following are correct?
1. Divergent Boundaries are spreading sites. New crust is generated here.
2. Convergent Boundaries are subduction zones. Crust is destroyed here.
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[Prelims 2012] Normally temperature decreases with increase in height from earth's surface, because
1. atmosphere can be heated upwards only from Earth’s surface
2. there is more moisture in upper atmosphere
3. air is less dense in upper atmosphere
Which of the above statements are correct?
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[Prelims 2001] Consider the following statements:
1. Most magmas are a combination of liquid, solid and gas.
2. Water vapour and carbon dioxide are the principal gases dissolved in magma.
3. Basaltic magma is hotter than the silicic magma.
4. The magma solidified between sedimentary rocks in a horizontal position is known as dike.
Which of these statements are correct? 
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