Simpożju - Il-Belt Rebbieħa 
Il-Belt Rebbieħa inkitbet mill-Prof. Oliver Friggieri f’ġieħ il-belt tal-Vittoriosa (il-Birgu), li tirrappreżenta lill-pajjiż kollu, u biex ifaħħar lill-Maltin kuraġġużi li ġġieldu kontra l-qawwa Torka fl-Assedju l-Kbir ta’ Malta fl-1565. Il-poeżija ġiet mużikata bħala kantata mill-Prof. Mro Joseph Vella (1942-2018). L-ewwel saret fil-Kolleġġjata ta’ San Lawrenz fil-Birgu fl-24 ta’ Lulju 1990 u imbagħad intweriet ukoll l-għada (25 ta’ Lulju 1990) fi Pjazza San Ġorġ fir-Rabat (Għawdex). Il-kantata kienet komposta għal orkestra b'sopran, tenur, u kor.

Il-Professur Charles Briffa ser jagħti bidu għas-simpożju billi jippreżenta lil Oliver Friġġieri bħala poeta/novellist/kritiku letterarju u filosofu. It-tema attwali se tkun dik ta' analiżi literarja tal-cantata Rewwixta u l-Belt Rebbieħa, b'aktar dettalji dwar il-Belt Rebbieħa.

Il-Maestro Colin Attard ser jitkellem dwar il-parti mużikali tal-kantata 'Il-Belt Rebbieħa' li ġiet miktuba f'armonija perfetta mal-poeżija.

Kull preżentazzjoni ser iddum bejn 30 u 45 min 

Imla l-formola ta' hawn taħt biex tirreġistra għas-simpożju ta' Belt Rebbieħa.

Data: It-Tlieta 25 t'Ottubru 2022 
Ħin: 1:30pm (3hrs)
Post: Il-Palazz tal-Inkwiżitur, il-Birgu 
Kelliema: Charles Briffa u Colin Attard 
Dħul B'Xejn



Il-Belt Rebbieħa (The Victorious City) was penned by Prof. Oliver Friggieri in honour of the city of Birgu (Vittoriosa), representing the entire country, and to praise the brave Maltese who fought in the Great Siege of Malta in 1565, when tiny Malta stood against the mighty Turkish power. In the past, formal history praised the Knights of St John and very little praise was given to the Maltese who made up the bulk of the Christian force.

The poem was set to music as a cantata by Prof. Mro Joseph Vella (1942-2018). It was first performed at the Collegiate Church of St Laurence in Vittoriosa on 24th July 1990 and then it was also performed the following day (25th July 1990) at St George’s Square in Victoria (Gozo). The cantata was composed for an orchestra with a soprano, a tenor, and a choir.

Professor Briffa will start the Symposium by presenting the National figure of Oliver Friġġieri as a Maltese poet/novelist /literary critic and philosopher. The main theme will be on the literary analysis of both Cantatas text  of both Rewwixta and Il-Belt Rebbieħa cantatas, giving more insight on Il-Belt Rebbieħa.

Maestro Colin Attard will talk about the musical aspect of the Cantata “Il-Belt Rebbieħa" which was composed 'in perfect marriage' with the poem.

Each of the presenter will take 30 to 45 mins.

Fill in the below form to register for the Belt Rebbieħa symposium. 

Date: Tuesday 25th Octiber 2022 
Time: 1:30pm (3hrs)
Venue: Inquisitor's Palace, Birgu  
Speakers: Charles Briffa u Colin Attard 
Entrance is Free


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