Public Records Request
Requests for public records must be submitted in writing on this form and must identify
with reasonable particularity the record requested. [Indiana Code 5-14-3-3] Requests
must be legible. Sufficient details must be provided to assist with the search, including:
names, dates of birth, addresses, record identification numbers, dates, board or department
names, account numbers, and/or any other information required by the East Noble School
Corporation to complete a requested search.

Under ARPA, a public agency such as the East Noble School Corporation is required to respond to a
requested within a specified time, but this response does not mean the requested records must be
produced at that time. The ENSC will respond by acknowledging receipt of the request. The records,
if disclosable, will be produced within a reasonable time. The ENSC is not required to create
records in response to a request.

I am requesting the following public records for inspection and/or copying pursuant to the
Indiana Access to Public Records Act, Indiana Code 5-14-3:
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Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
Email Address (for electronic copies) *

Fees for Purchasing Copies of Public Records

Board public records may be inspected without charge. Purchase of copies of public records may be made upon payment of a fee. The Board establishes the following fee schedule for purchase of a copy of public records. These fees shall be uniform for all purchasers.

Copies shall be prepared by a Corporation employee and provided to a requesting party upon payment of a fee which is the greater of:

-ten cents ($0.10) per page for copies that are not color copies or twenty-five cents ($0.25) per page for color copies; or the actual cost of copying the document.

-"Actual cost" means the cost of paper and the per-page cost for use of copying or facsimile equipment and does not include labor costs or overhead costs.

-Certification of document as a true and accurate copy of an original record in the custody of the Corporation, $5.00.

The Board shall charge a fee for providing a duplicate of a computer tape, computer disc, microfilm, or similar or analogous record system containing a public record in the custody of the Corporation. The fee shall not exceed the sum of:

-the Corporation's direct cost of supplying the information in that form; and

-the standard cost of selling the same information to the public in the form of a publication if the Corporation has published the information and made the publication available for sale.

In response to a request for public records, the Board shall charge a fee for any time spent searching records that are in electronic format when the search exceeds five (5) hours. There shall be no charge for the first five (5) hours of a search. The fee for time beyond the first five (5) shall be the lesser of: 1) the hourly rate of the person making the search; or 2) $20 per hour. This hourly fee for searching for records in an electronic format applies only to time the person making the search actually spends searching the records in electronic format. No minimum fee shall be established. School personnel, doing an electronic search in response to a request for public records, shall make a good faith effort to complete the search within a reasonable time in order to minimize the amount of the search fee. Any fee charged shall be prorated to reflect any part of the search which is less than a full hour. No charge shall be made for “computer processing time.” “Computer processing time” is defined as the amount of time a computer takes to process a command or script to extract or copy electronically stored data that is the subject of a public records request.

I understand there may be a fee associated with my request per School Board Policy 8310, link to the policy provided below.

By signing electronically below, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the previous Board Policy.

Enter your electronic signature below.

Please state your records request using the above guidelines. *
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