TEDxParklandHighSchool Ticket Order Form
Please fill out this form if you wish to reserve tickets for TEDxParklandHighSchool. This event will take place in the Springhouse Middle School Auditorium on Sunday, March 20th, from 12-3 PM. All parents, students, and community members are welcome to attend! Tickets are completely free and must be picked up at Parkland High School. We have a limited number of tickets available, so reserve yours sooner rather than later :)
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Name (first/last) *
Email address *
How many tickets do you wish to reserve? If you need more than five, contact Rishika Rohatgi at 142403@parklandsd.net or rishrohatgi@gmail.com  *
Tickets will be available for pickup from Parkland High School during the week of March 13th (school hours). As long as they are reserved, they also may be picked up at the ticket stand 30 minutes prior to the event. Thank you so much for your support!
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