2025 Membership Renewal

Every member of Unity of Music City is a valued presence in our Spiritual Community.  We know life may take us in new directions, so each year we desire to keep our membership list current. We want to stay connected to you.

This form provides a quick way to renew your membership during March of each calendar year.  The information you provide is required to keep your membership active. Deadline for submission is March 31, 2025.

Submission of this form will communicate your answers to Janet Laderbush (Office Manager) and Ryan Gill (Executive Council President).  If you have any questions, call or text Janet at 615-847-7480. 

Thank you for your help in completing this renewal for the calendar year 2025.

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Member Name *
Member Address *
Member Phone Number *
Member Email *
I may be contacted via email, mail and/or phone as indicated above to discuss my membership. *
Do you wish to remain an active member of Unity of Music City? *
If no, please briefly explain your decision to leave, then you may skip to the bottom, sign and submit the form.
Birthdate (Month and Day) - Optional
I will continue to support my Spiritual Community with my time, talents and treasures (financial gifts). *
I give permission for the community office to share the selected information if another member requests it or to put in the church directory. *
Your Signature (Print Name) *
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