Diablo II: Resurrected Survey
Welcome to the Diablo 2 Resurrected Survey. The purpose of this survey is to find out what changes Diablo II Fans want to see - or don't want to see. Please answer all the questions below, thank you :-)
1. Have you played the original Diablo 2 / Diablo 2 LOD?
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Inventory Changes
2. Should the stash space be increased? (original size = 8 x 6 squares)
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3. Should there be a seperate inventory space for charms?
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4. Should the inventory space be increased?
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Item Changes
5. Should runes and gems be stackable (e.g. up to 10 per stack)?
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6. Should quivers have unlimited ammo?
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Balancing Changes
7. Should there be some minor spell balancing to make useless / bad spells more viable?
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8. Should there be some minor mercenary balancing to make useless / bad mercenarys more viable?
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9. Should there be some minor item and runeword balancing to make useless / bad items and runewords more viable?
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Battlenet Changes
10. Should the 6-months ladder season cycle be changed?
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11. Should the Non-Ladder runeword / drop restrictions be removed?
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12. Should the /players X command (to increase XP / drops) also be available on Battlenet?
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Interface / Tooltip Changes
13. Should there be an optional, modernized spell hotkey system?
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14. Should there be an ingame runeword / horadric cube encyclopedia?
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15. Should there be an optional loot-filter to make certain item-drops (e.g. runes) more / easier visibile?
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16. Should there be a Kill-Tracker where you see how often you killed Boss X and get stats of the drops?
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17. Should there be an option to toggle showing ground loot (so you don't have to keep ALT pressed every time you want to see the loot)?
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18. Should there be an optional additional tooltip on items, that shows the possible min-max rolls of the stats? E.g. Nagelring: +21% magic find (15-30% magic find)
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Content Changes
19. Should they add at some point more endgame content like the Pandemonium Event?
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20. Should they add at some point new items, runewords or horadric cube recipes?
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Other Changes
21. Should there be an optional personal loot option in multiplayer? (everbody gets his own loot, other people can not "steal" it)
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22. Should there be an additional / easier way to respec? (e.g. one free respec every ladder reset)
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23. Should you be able to open the cow level after killing the cow-king?
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24. Should the Nihlathak portal stay open after completing the quest and getting the waypoint?
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25. Are there any other changes you would like to see that were not mentioned in this survey?
Thank you, have a nice day and good drops!
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