Virtual Phone Bank- August Session
Join Team Ness as we call voters across the 66th and help Suzanne win in November! Since we can't knock on doors, calling voters will be even more crucial for spreading the word about Suzanne.

We will meet over Zoom, mute ourselves, and make calls "together". There will be a phone banking training 30 minutes before every phone banking session for new volunteers and those who want a refresher.

During your virtual training call, you'll receive an outline script, some backup resources, and instructions on checking in with voters.
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First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail *
Phone Number *
I am new to the 2020 Team Ness Phone Banking team *
Do you have an Action ID through Votebuilder?
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I will join the training 30 minutes before the start of my first shift (encouraged for new callers; optional for others):* *
I will join a Team Ness virtual phone bank on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. (Check all that apply.)
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