Request for UME Baltimore City MG Assistance
Thank you for reaching out to us! The Master Gardener Program is a volunteer program of the University of Maryland Extension.  We have MG Programs in every county in Maryland! This Request Form is specifically for residents of Baltimore City.  Please answer a few questions below and one of our Committees Chairs or Volunteer Leaders will contact you within a couple of weeks. If you need quicker assistance, you can always call the local UME Office at 410-856-1850.
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Correo *
What is your name? *
What organization or garden are you affiliated with? *
Please write your phone number or email so we can contact you back. *
What is the best way to contact you? *
What is your timeline? ie. when is your event or when are you looking to schedule a meeting with a Master Gardener? *
What sort of Master Gardener assistance are you looking for? *
Are you requesting assistance/information on: (select all that apply) *
Please provide any other details that are important.
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