Neurodivergent of FIRST Representative Application
[ND-2] Congratulations on applying! You're on your way towards being a member of our staff. We suggest setting aside 45 minutes to write this application. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via discord or by emailing us (
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Name *
Pronouns *
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Email *
This will be the email that we contact you at for your application status as well as future organization updates.
Discord Username and Tag *
Date  *
Affiliated Teams *
Please answer in the form of "FRC 5530" or "FRC 5530 / FTC 9895 / FTC 8511" if there are multiple
High School Class or American Equivalent *
If in between grades, round up one year
Application Questions
Your answers to the following questions will be what your application is judged on.
Why did you apply to be a Representative with the Neurodivergent of FIRST? *
Do you plan to be involved with FIRST once you graduate? How? *
Do you have any specific areas of expertise with regards to Neurodivergent topics that you are particularly passionate about? *
What experience do you have with advocating for Neurodivergent issues? *
Would you be willing to spend time at competitions and events promoting the organization (handing out pamphlets, talking to people)? *
What kind of time commitment can you offer? Representatives are actively involved with different aspects of the Neurodivergent of FIRST. *
How many competitions / events do you normally attend per season? *
Do you have any skills you are most proud of that you can bring to the Neurodivergent of FIRST? *
Is there anything else that you want us to know about you?
Neurodivergent of FIRST Desired Skills
The following addresses the talents and skills we are looking for.
Neurodivergent of FIRST Potential Projects *
Select one or two of these projects that you may be interested in. If you are not interested in any of these, please provide some ideas for projects we haven't thought about.
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Elaborate on your specific skills sets and experiences that you can contribute to those projects *
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