Hotel Cleaning Quote
Our housekeeping support in commercial settings partners with your staff, performing routine and intensive cleaning tasks, to maintain a hygienic and welcoming environment, tailored to your schedule and needs.
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Adresse e-mail *
First Name  *
Last Name  *
Phone Number *
Address *
General description of tasks? *
Have you had an contracted cleaning service before? if so, how long on average did it take for them to clean your facility? *
What is your monthly cleaning service budget? *
Are you interested in a one-time service or recurring services?
How often would you like your facility serviced per week?
Do you know what the square footage of the service area is? General size of rooms or spaces being serviced?
How many Restrooms?
Are you interested in Infection Control Services?
Are there specific days or times you would prefer?
Interior Windows Cleaned?
Exterior Windows Cleaned? (1st Story only)
Do you need property management services?
What specific date and time would work best for the first scheduled cleaning?
Who will be the person we have the pleasure of meeting with on the scheduled meeting date?
How did you hear about Cleaning by Design LLC?
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