Learn about baptism
Baptism is a great next step for anyone who has decided to follow Jesus and commit their life to him.  The next opportunities for baptism are on January 27 and 30, 2022.  Please take a few moments to fill out this form, and someone from our team will be touch with you!

Please note: Baptisms during Sunday services will be live-streamed.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Are you interested in being baptized on January 27 or 30, 2022? *
Age range *
Which weekend service do you prefer for baptism?
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What size T-shirt do you wear?
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Describe in a few sentences why you are interested in being baptized. *
Who from the church ministry staff would you like to baptize you?  (we will do our best to honor these requests)
What questions do you have about baptism?
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