Python Basics I - Feedback Form 🐍
🏔 Hi there! 🏖

We really hope that you had a great time tonight and learned something new.

To further improve our workshop, we would love to have some feedback from you!

🐍🐍Tzzz THANKS Tzzzz🐍🐍
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Did you learn something? *
Did you like the workshop: Basics I *
How do you rate difficulty of the workshop? *
How do you rate the speed of the workshop? *
Very Slow
Super Fast
How did the tutors explain the concepts of Python? *
I did not understand anything
It was well explained and I could easily follow
Was there one concept which was hard to understand in the workshop?
What would you improve for the next time? *
Do you have any additional comments?
Thanks for the feedback and have a great week!
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